Causes High blood pressure means that the force with which the blood presses onto the artery walls is higher than it should be. By far the most common reason for high blood pressure is arteriosclerosis. Narrowed arteries plugged with fatty deposits are usually linked to poor eating habits, high stress and little physical activity. Typically, a diet rich in saturated fats, meat and refined products, and lacking in fresh vegetables, fruits and fibber from whole grains, is to blame. The cholesterol-free commercial vegetable oils, shortening and margarine are no better, as these contain trans-fatty acids.
Vegetarians have a lower incidence of hypertension. Obesity increases the risks. Salt, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes are not direct causes, but certainly contribute substantially to increasing blood pressure. If high blood pressure exists, these substances should be reduced, and preferably eliminated.
Stress, anger and anxiety also play their part in causing high blood pressure. These stresses must be reduced and effective coping mechanisms put in place. Exercise is an excellent remedy.
With old age, the artery walls become less elastic, increasing the risk of hypertension. Besides arteriosclerosis, kidney disease is a serious cause of high blood pressure. The presence of toxic metals, especially cadmium, lead and mercury also affect blood pressure.
Nutrition High blood pressure is one of the diseases that have resulted from the typical diet of affluent Western societies. The main reason for high blood pressure is the consumption of too much saturated fat from animal sources and artificially-hardened vegetable fats like shortening and margarine, as well as refined vegetable oils. They contain heat-damaged fat molecules, known as trans-fatty acids. Furthermore, sweet foods, overly salted foods and insufficient fiber cause high blood pressure. Incorporating Alistrol to your daily health regime will provide you the best safe and natural formula to help you live longer, healthier and with cleaner arteries and controlled blood pressure. Visit and try it today!!!
Summary: High blood pressure means that the force with which the blood presses onto the artery walls is higher than it should be. By far the most common reason for high blood pressure is arteriosclerosis. Narrowed arteries plugged with fatty deposits are usually linked to poor eating habits, high stress and little physical activity.
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