How do you feel about your body is definitely important for your self-image, but not the best way to measure the condition of your tables that are relied on so many years, that are associated with weight my height now are all seen as reliable way to assess their respective salary to rely on body mass index, or BMI.
This formula is a little difficult to calculate by yourself, but if you want to try how it works: Take your weight in pounds and multiply by 703, then divide that number by your height in inches times your height in inches. For an easier way, go to / BMI / calculator, just enter your numbers and you'll know that .
So, Google and find out what your proper body mass index, and can show for certain whether or not you are overweight. If you need to go to healthy weight loss diet, and it probably will not be as difficult as you might imagine.
Being overweight will definitely put some extra stress on your body, add your own wear and tear, and seriously affect your longevity. Their number one risk factor will be cardiovascular disease, including but not limited to atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease causes heart attacks, mostly in men, but is now found in women in increasing numbers.
Can be generalized atherosclerosis that narrows the state of all the small blood vessels in the body, which increases the resistance against which your heart must pump. It just makes your heart work much harder, 24/7/365. Furthermore, being overweight predisposes you to high cholesterol, which causes more arterial deposits, this is much worse condition than further adding to the pressure on the heart.
Being overweight and can cause you to develop a hormonal imbalance and reduce your chances of pregnancy and normal pregnancy. Eclampsia, diabetes, hypertension and abortion are all up if you are overweight.
Additional factors, so they should be taken into account, being overweight can seriously affect activities of daily living. Installation on your clothes is always a concern. As you add the extra pounds you will need to buy a new wardrobe, which certainly can get you become the more difficulty you'll encounter on finding appropriate clothes, and some even and May need to be tailor-made cause of your clothing costs increase even more.
Seats can also become a problem, because most public spaces furniture is designed for people of normal weight. You can even find difficulty sitting in cars, buses, and certainly in the aircraft. Our world is not designed for obese people.